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It’s hard to believe that Week 2 of Training Camp has already come & gone!! This week has definitely been a crazy, busy week!! Amid the busyness of this week, I have found time to reflect on God’s faithfulness in my life and have seen His faithfulness in countless ways throughout my life.  


Reflecting back, one major season God has brought me through was loneliness. At the age of eight, all four of my brothers moved out all at once, practically making me an only child. Around that time, my longing for friendship and feeling of loneliness grew. As a result of my longing for friendships, I found myself in middle school and up to Sophomore year, getting into unhealthy friendships that were one sided & made me end up feeling lonelier. Oftentimes, I wanted to end those friendships, but was scared that if I ended them I would end up having no friends at school since it was so small and in turn feel even more lonelier, so I would force myself to stay in them. It was not until Junior year when my parents and I decided that it was time for me to transfer to a different school for various reasons. At first we were both a little hesitant of me transferring schools right in the middle of high school, but I can not thank God enough for His timing and faithfulness through that situation. During my first semester of junior year, I found it hard to connect with people and make friends because covid restrictions were still in place and resulted in the school having assigned lunch tables. Fortunately, the restrictions eased up in the second semester & I was able to find a group of friends and a lunch table that I felt welcomed at. One of the friends in that group that I really connected with well was Hannah. It wasn’t until senior year until we became really good friends and started hanging out on a regular basis. During senior year, God not only blessed me with Hannah, but also another friend named Leah through a required job shadow for school. At first I thought that it was strange dming a photographer on Instagram and almost didn’t end up doing it, but that job shadow ended up being the sweetest time & was not the last time we saw each other!


Hannah & Leah not only support me through the highs and lows, but also point me towards Christ. Looking back, these were the first two friendships that didn’t feel one sided and that I felt complete in. Even though it took almost 10 years, I thank God that he has blessed me with Hannah and Leah that eight year old me longed for.   


Hope 🙂


Here are some songs & a verse that remind me of God’s faithfulness: 

‘Cause You make mountains move

You make giants fall

And You use songs of praise

To shake prison walls

And I will speak to my fear

I will preach to my doubt

That You were faithful then

You’ll be faithful now

Oh, You were faithful then

You’ll be faithful now

Faithful Now by Vertical Worship 


For the word of the Lord is upright, and all his work is done in faithfulness. Psalm 33:4


And all my life You have been faithful

And all my life You have been so, so good

With every breath that I am able

Oh, I will sing of the goodness of God

Goodness of God by Bethel Music 

13 responses to “A testament of God’s Faithfulness”

  1. What a beautiful testament of God’s love and faithfulness, Hope! I’m so glad you ended up at ECA… and that you found such wonderful young women of God like Hannah and Leah! What’s more, your presence in the classroom was my pleasure!!! I will continue to pray for your obedience to God’s hand in your life, His abundant blessings to continue falling on you, and that you “put on Christ” in all circumstances. I look forward to future blogs!

  2. Hope, I am so proud of you! Your willingness to allow God to heal your heart and the perseverance to find true friendships has led you to know God’s faithfulness and goodness. You can trust that He will never leave you or forsake you. With this faith, you will move mountains!! I am overjoyed to see the Lord working in you and through you.

  3. I just love this! And it was so good to meet and talk with you at training camp! So grateful Jesus has given you friendships to help the loneliness. He loves you, and is your forever companion!

  4. So exciting to hear how you have had time to spend with and enjoy God, that which you were created to do!

  5. Hope…during your scholastic life, you chose to give the school excellence in your homework. Now you’re in a position to have the Lord show you a more excellent way. He will bless you with a servants heart! You go girl!!

  6. Hope-it’s a vulnerable space to share stories of our journey. You’re fantastic! Thank you for sharing. If you don’t learn something along the way, you’re not paying attention, but if you don’t share what you have learned, the journey loses value. Xoxo